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Valeriu Butulescu

Hiria bizidunen hilerria da.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Valentina Gutiérrez PrietoReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Dan Costinaş
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Nor naiz? Hazi nahi duen ibai bat.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Valentina Gutiérrez PrietoReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Dan Costinaş
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Gutxitan aspertzen naiz, eta inoiz bakarrik.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Valentina Gutiérrez PrietoReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Dan Costinaş
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Badira hareazko oasiak dituzten basamortuak.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Valentina Gutiérrez PrietoReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Dan Costinaş
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Hain da behartsua, non etsaiak ere ez dauzkan.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Valentina Gutiérrez PrietoReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Dan Costinaş
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Ez eskatu ezina emakume bati. Emateko gai baita.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Valentina Gutiérrez PrietoReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Dan Costinaş
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”Zezena”k ”idia”k baino soinu politagoa dauka.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Valentina Gutiérrez PrietoReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Dan Costinaş
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Urtero igarotzen dugu, oharkabean, gure heriotzaren eguna.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu from Hareazko Oasiak, translated by Hasier AgirreReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Dan Costinaş
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Lagun hurkoa maitatuko dut, soilik gehiago hurbiltzen ez bada.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Valentina Gutiérrez PrietoReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Dan Costinaş
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Askatasunak ez du zentzurik hegan egiten ez dakien txori batentzat.

aphorism by Valeriu Butulescu, translated by Valentina Gutiérrez PrietoReport problemRelated quotes
Submitted by Dan Costinaş
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